May 9, 2024 / Comments Off on New College Hill Partnership Board Elects Officers 1592
The new CHP Board, elected by members in April, elected its officers today.
Kyle Dehmlow, owner of restaurants and bars in the Cedar Valley, including the Social House Bar and Greenhouse Kitchen on the Hill, was elected President of CHP.
Angela Johnson, a resident member of the CHP, was elected vice president.
Ryan Kriener, a financial advisor at Financial Architects in Cedar Falls, and a landlord member, will be Secretary/Treasurer.
April 2, 2022 / Comments Off on College Hill Partnership Executive Director Steps Down 2445
College Hill Partnership Executive Director Steps Down
After nearly five years of service, Kathryn Sogard will step down as the Executive Director of the College Hill Partnership. Her official last day will be April 19th, 2022.
Kathryn joined the Partnership in May 2017 as a coordinator, and assumed the role of Executive Director in September 2017. In addition to overseeing the day to day operations of the organization, she was instrumental in the recent adoption of the Imagine College Hill! Vision Plan, she played a vital role in getting The Hill through the pandemic, and she has been a key contributor to the betterment of Petterson Plaza and Seerley Park.
Kathryn leaves the College Hill Partnership in a position for continued growth, and the Partnership sincerely thanks her for her contribution and leadership in her time with the organization. The Board wishes her the best of luck, and are excited to see what she will continue to do for The Cedar Valley.
Following Kathryn’s departure the Executive Team will continue to oversee the College Hill Partnership, along with the help of the Board of Directors, as they work through this transition and decide what is next for the organization. For any communications please continue to use to the email
March 24, 2022 / Comments Off on The Hill High Point 2515
College Hill Partnership Update
March 2022
As we draw close to the 2022 annual meeting, we thought we should send out an update of the past year.
In 2022 the College Hill Partnership has worked on many projects that align with our mission. "College Hill Partnership (CHP) is a non-profit organization that serves as the leader in revitalization and promotion of the College Hill area, an urban neighborhood community. The scope of its mission includes promoting healthy neighborhood businesses and housing enhancement; strengthening collaboration and pride; developing public/private partnerships; and serving as an advocate for addressing area concerns."
To name a few, we have worked closely with city staff to ensure the word got out about the College Hill Vision Plan and the data that was collected from the public, including many of you. We hope that the Imagine Hill Vision Plan will lead to meaningful zoning code changes. These changes will allow the Hill to provide a wide range of housing options, including the missing middle housing Cedar Falls so desperately needs and growth in our business district to improve the economic vibrancy of the Hill. In addition to new housing and business opportunities, the upcoming zoning code changes will continue to value the historical nature of our neighborhood district and work to stabilize the mix of owner-occupied homes and rental homes in our neighborhood.
This year we have also welcomed many new members to our board, including Hannah Crisman, Frank Darrah, Sam Blatt, and Angela Johnson. We look forward to their continued involvement in the CHP and the elections at the annual meeting to include additional new board members.
Throughout the year, as always, we co-hosted several College Hill clean-ups. We worked collaboratively with Green Iowa Americorps, Threehouse Collaborative Miseries, UNI NOW, and the City of Cedar Falls to successfully clean the Hill. Clean-ups help us care for the Hill during the high traffic times, including the start and end of school and holidays like Halloween. In addition to clean-ups, the College Hill Partnership, with the help of an economic development grant from the City of Cedar Falls, can hire a very part-time staff member to help clean and care for the Hill. Trevor Smith has been a loyal employee doing his best to help us keep the Hill tidied and collaborates with our beautification committee to work to keep the Hill watered and weeded.
Cold but very successful clean-up
Over the last few months, the CHP has used several new committees to push forward some of the initiatives from the CHP Board. For example, our "Light Up College Hill" committee has been doing a lot of research to bring an iconic public light display to the Hill. We know the importance of placemaking for a cohesive district, and the CHP Board believes that lighting could be a natural step forward to creating a welcoming entertainment district.
Our Seerley Park commitee received the great news that the City of Cedar Falls has committed to a $300,000 project to revitalize and renew the park. This committee is committed to improving the park's aesthetics, working towards better accessibility of the park, and ensuring the historical elements of the neighborhood and park are kept. The committee is looking forward to raising funds to improve the park soon.
Our communication committee jump started a new program called Saturdays in Seerley which the CHP hosted neighbors in Seerley Park for free coffee and breakfast sweets. As a result, we were able to bring neighbors together, have conversations about the neighborhood, talk with elected officials, and discuss potential park improvements.
Saturdays In Seerley
Some other highlights of 2021-2022 have been:
Adding new tables to Pettersen Plaza thanks to the Friends of Pettersen Plaza and the Community Betterment Grant awarded to the CHP by the Cedar Falls Tourism and Travel Bureau
The first Illuminate Light Festival co-hosted with Dana Potter's University class
UNI Homecoming Window Painting
2022 Named the Year of College Hill by Mayor Rob Green
Proclamation naming 2022 the year of College Hill
New Tables in Pettersen Plaza
UNI Students at College Hill Clean Up
UNI Students at UNI Homecoming Window Painting
UNI Students at UNI Homecoming Window Painting
NEW $5 College Hill Gift Certificates
We are looking forward to a great new 2022-2023 year, where we plan to host many more events and continue to work towards a more inviting and revitalized College Hill District. Some upcoming events include:
Parking lot improvements in the College Hill Business District
Invitation to share your time, talents, and treasures to support Seerley Park Improvements
Announcement about the College Hill Arts Festival
Additional improvements to Pettersen Plaza
We hope you will join us soon at one of our events or join in the fun of service by giving your time and talents to one of our committees or fundraising efforts.
March 17, 2022 / Comments Off on Annual Meeting 2022 2450
Annual Meeting 2022
The meeting will be held at Octopus at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, April 19th.
If you so desire the following documents can be emailed to you:
2022-2023 Slate of Board Members (please note additional nominations will be taken from the floor at the annual meeting)
Benefits of being a member of the CHP
Application for College Hill Partnership membership
Agenda for the meeting (Please email if you would like the following documents)
We will have applications for membership at the annual meeting. Feel free to send in your application & dues (or submit your application and dues on our website: if you are unable to attend the meeting. Note: in order to vote in this years election for board members and for the bylaw changes, submission of your membership form and dues must have been completed by March 1st.
If you have any questions at all please contact the CHP directly. You can do so either by email We hope to see you on April 19th.
March 15, 2022 / Comments Off on First Annual College Hill Garage Sales 4762
First Annual College Hill Garage Sales
April 30th, 2022 9am-3pm
The College Hill Partnership is excited to bring you the first annual College Hill Neighborhood Garage Sales on April 30th, 2022, from 9:00am to 3:00pm.
Your rags might be someone else's riches! So gather your old things and get them ready for the College Hill Garage Sales.
Live in the College Hill neighborhood? Complete this form by April 24th to have your sale listed on the garage sale map. This is a great (and free) way to advertise and bring shoppers to your sale. In the event of rain, each individual sale will determine whether or not to cancel.
Host your own garage sale! If you live in the College Hill Neighborhood we will add you to our map!
Don't live in the neighborhood or don't want to host your own sale? Donate to the College Hill Partnership's garage sale! The CHP will be hosting our own sale in Seerley Park. All proceeds will go directly to the College Hill Partnership Seerley Park Fund.
If you have items you would like to donate, please drop them off at the Partnership office at 2304 College Street. Donations will be accepted on April 15th, and 16th from 9:00am to 1:00pm, and April 22nd and 23rd from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. Please no large furniture or appliances.
We have several volunteer opportunities both before and on the day of the sale. If you're interested in volunteering, please email us at
SNAP/EBT/Double Up Food Bucks accepted online and at the market. The market is located on 22nd St. between College St. and Olive St.
Join us at this producer only market for local fall favorites (apples, squash, pumpkins), healthy snacks, letterpress cards, plants, and more! If you can't make it to the market you can order online at for pick up during market hours. Follow the College Hill Farmers Market on Facebook and Instagram @collegehillfm
Head to the Hill today and pick up a cold drink, or some dinner from your favorite College Hill business and do some of your produce shopping at the CHFM.
October 13, 2021 / Comments Off on Open Letter to President Nook Regarding UNI Homecoming Parade 2478
12 October 2021
To: President Mark Nook
University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls, IA 50614
Dear President Nook:
On behalf of the neighbors, businesses, and community on College Hill, the College Hill Partnership wants to convey our surprise and disappointment in relocating the UNI Homecoming Parade for 2021.
Our organization was founded on the desires of previous Northern Iowa President, Ben Allen, to bring all stakeholders to the table to talk through issues and events that impact College Hill and the entire community.
The College Hill Partnership has fostered this partnership by participating in UNI Homecoming Committee and through events on College Hill during Homecoming week. Another way the CHP has been a partner with UNI was to join the University in advocating for measures to keep the community safe during a pandemic. This was an effort many other organizations and leaders were unwilling to do.
Building a solid and healthy community is not just important to our city; it is vital to the success of the University. We know the student experience is not limited to campus. With the Hill being a prominent gateway between UNI and the rest of Cedar Falls, we see the role of College Hill as essential when attracting and retaining students. The Hill needs support from UNI to continue our efforts to promote our city and community. The Homecoming parade is just one way our organizations have worked together in the past to achieve this goal.
We have heard from many community members, including business owners, neighbors, and other College Hill supporters, of their disappointment in the relocation of the parade. This iconic event has been a valued tradition to the Hill. The parade and its long 100-year history have been an important symbol of the excellent working relationship between UNI and College Hill. We hope in future years, the University will consider the importance of the parade to our neighborhood. We urge the University to return the UNI Homecoming Parade back to College Hill.
October 6, 2021 / Comments Off on October Update – CHFM Thursdays on the Hill 4-6pm 1803
Fall is here! And we hope you will #HeadtotheHill for the College Hill Farmers Market. Join us at this producer only market for local fall favorites (apples, squash, pumpkins), healthy snacks, letterpress cards, plants, and more!
SNAP/EBT/Double Up Food Bucks accepted online and at the market. The market is located on 22nd St. between College St. and Olive St.
Follow the College Hill Farmers Market on Facebook and Instagram @collegehillfm
Head to the Hill today and pick up a cold drink, or some dinner from your favorite College Hill business and do some of your produce shopping at the CHFM.
September 23, 2021 / Comments Off on Mohair Pear’s Pear Fair #10 2302
Pear Fair #10 is headed back to the Hill. Mohair Pear started the annual event in the spring of 2010. They felt hosting an outdoor fair was a great way to showcase local and regional artists to the customers directly. Each year the event has been an outdoor indie fair that bring hand made items to College Hill in Cedar Falls.
We are excited to see you on the Hill for Pear Fair on Saturday, September 25th, from 11:00am to 5:00pm. Weekend parking on the Hill is always free to head up and make it a day on the Hill with your favorite beverages and food from any of the College Hill businesses while you enjoy all the amazing art at Pear Fair.
Pear Fair is located in the parking lot on the corner of West 22nd and College Streets. Come visit vendors like: Wild Sky Studio, Mama Mage, Tena & State, and Arctic Summer. La Calle will also be back on the Hill during the event.
September 23, 2021 / Comments Off on Summer Produce Will Soon Be Gone – CHFM Thursdays on the Hill 4-6pm 1881
Summer produce will be gone soon! Join us Thursday 4-6 p.m. at this producer only market for local veggies, fruit, popcorn, letterpress cards, plants, and more! If you can't make it to the market you can order online at for pick up during market hours.
SNAP/EBT/Double Up Food Bucks accepted online and at the market. Do you know anyone using SNAP/EBT Benefits? Encourage them to attend the market and earn free money to spend on fruits and vegetables! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @collegehillfm
Our vendor spotlight for today is Timeless Prairie Orchard! Timeless is back with us for market season! Each week, you can pick from several different varieties to take home with you. Be sure to stop by and pick some up on Thursday!
Place your orders by 4 p.m. Wednesday for contactless, curbside pick up between 4-6 p.m. on Thursday. Head to the Hill today and pick up a cold drink, or some dinner from your favorite College Hill business and do some of your produce shopping at the CHFM.